Sunday, April 19, 2015

Another place, another time, another world

 If I could choose a different world, a different place and a different era to spend my life in, I would unhesitatingly choose to live in any animated world.

In the world of animation there are no bounds on imagination. Anything can happen to anyone. Carpets can fly, animals can talk, the simple housemaid can turn into a beautiful princess and caterpillars can smoke letters from their pipes. There are the good folks and the bad ones, the clumsy friends and the rabbits in waistcoats and then there are fairy godmothers. Even the most evil villains can be endearing in some way. The best part is that the good folks get to live happily ever after and the bad guys always get punished- many times in funny ways.

Even a fantasy world like Harry potter where you get to eat loads of chocolate to get well is not anywhere near. That’s because the villains there like the death eaters, dementors and of course Lord Voldemort are as cruel, evil or worse than the ‘villains’ we have in our lives in this era and world. Moreover, they are a bit too much like us in the current world.
So I would have all the innocent adventures that the inhabitants of animated worlds have, fight the crafty witches and the evil sorcerers and maybe sit on the hill with my pinned up tail and a pink bow secure in the knowledge that we will live happily ever after-because I am one of the good folks!