Saturday, February 8, 2014

What is a wall?

A dear friend introduced me to this game and I am so liking it!
It goes something like:

Friend: What is a table?
Me: A table is a piece of furniture which one uses to write on and to put things on.
Friend: No what can a table represent?
Me (after a longish pause): A table represents support.

And that how I see everyday objects now

What is a door?
A door is an option or a choice. It lets you decide whether you want something in or out of your life.

What is a choice?
Many of us may confuse choice with freedom. But a choice actually binds you. It defines your limitations. You can either do this or you can do that.
A choice defines the limits you are allowed to go to, masked as freedom.  The biggest delusion possibly. 

What is a photo frame?
It is a window to a different point in time which you can look into from time to time.

What is a shed?
A shed represents what is temporary. It might give you respite from the sun and the rain for some time but it cannot give you the permanent protection that walls with a roof provide.

What is a closet?
A closet is a place for secret. It will let you hide your thoughts, your secrets and protect them from the harsh glare of society’s judgement.

Further interpretations are welcome and there’s more to come...