I am art.
I am a living being, I breathe, I smile, I strive, I tire and yet I hope. I am the ultimate creation because I am alive and I can feel it.
The swirls and loops in a piece of polished wood is art, the way light gets refracted by a diamond is art, the leaves on the tree outside my window are pieces of art, waves crashing on the golden sands are instances of art. Art is everywhere around me.
Art cannot be confined within a wooden frame and painted on a piece of paper with a few colours. Art cannot be bound in a volume printed as a string of words in black ink. Art cannot be imprisoned in a plaster of paris creation.
It is up to me what I choose to see as art. And I refuse to let art be confined, be a prisoner of ‘definitions’. Art is the abstract, the unfathomable, the familiar unknown something that everyone knows and understands in some form even though he doesn't realise it. Open your eyes to the world, to art!