1st January brings with it the dawn of a new year for the world to rejoice and celebrate. The year gone by covered twelve months and one whole revolution of the earth around the sun- a complete cycle which would be repeated in the New Year as well.
But who are we to decide that 1st January is the starting point and 31st December the end point of this perpetual cycle?
A circle has no beginning and no end and yet time always moves forward and not in circles.
This seemingly contradictory statement does reconcile into truth. The earth does move repetitively in a circle year in and year out; January through December and again January through December. Each human life also passes through many of these cycles. Fortunately nature has punctuated every life with the events of birth and death and for every human being the earth starts revolving the moment he is born and stops revolving upon his death.
But every life on this planet creates the difference between the January of the past year and the January of the coming year. It is through his actions; what he does; what he builds; what he creates and what he destroys that man makes time move forward and the last June different from the approaching June.
So, time does move forward despite being stuck in a circle!!!