Saturday, October 16, 2010
Fight in your race..
He received a blushing crow, when he was told to take the next town drain as he had hissed his mystery lessons. He realized that he had just tasted a worm. When he gave his reasons he was told to keep his lack of pies to himself. And when his best friend, always ready as a stock also refused to tease his ears he had no option left but to pick up his well boiled icicle and go off to find a nosy little cook with a half warmed fish to hum a bad salad.
I haven’t gone crazy, folks! I have just discovered the delightful world of spoonerism!
A spoonerism is an error in speech or deliberate play on words in which corresponding consonants, vowels are switched. We owe this source of hilarious insanity to the Reverend William Archibald Spooner (1844–1930), Warden of New College, Oxford, who was notoriously prone to this tendency.
The starting paragraph untangles as follows:
“He received a crushing blow, when he was told to take the next down train as he had missed his history lessons. He realized that he had just wasted a term. When he gave his reasons he was told to keep his pack of lies to himself. And when his best friend, always steady as a rock also refused to ease his tears he had no option left but to pick up his well oiled bicycle and go off to find a cosy little nook with a half formed wish to hum a sad ballad.
The “dear old queen” can become the “queer old dean” and the glowing bride can lose all her gaiety when she hears “Is it kisstomary to cuss the bride?" instead of “Is it customary to kiss the bride”. Note, that cuss means curse!!
And the pun fart...oops I meant the fun part doesn’t end here! You can create your own spoonerisms and add to this collection. Also you can try figuring out some spoonerisms for fun (including the title of this blog!!)!!
Now since I have to mend some sails, and spoon some more, I’ll say eye ball!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
A lifetime of teachings..
When all is said and done there remain two kinds of human beings, the good ones and the bad ones.
I never thought that I would come across the bad ones.....just like no one likes to think that bad things have an equal probability of happening to them than the other person. But I did come across bad people and badder people (forgive the wrong English). These people made my life miserable...I kept wondering-how is it possible for someone to be so selfish, so mean, or so rude.
But my friend always considered meeting “bad” people a good thing because it taught my friend that the world is not such a good place after all and one has to learn to live with that fact.
There are many such lessons I learnt from my friend. I learnt to appreciate imperfections and make out the silver lining in every cloud. I learnt that anything and everything in this world can be justified, you just need to know how. Most importantly I learnt that people care. Human beings have a huge reservoir of affection and love which they bestow on others through their actions and words.
I have not used a pronoun to refer to my friend. This is because each time I refer to a person by a pronoun that person loses a little personality by being delegated to a mere pronoun “he” or “she” which can be used for anyone and everyone. So my friend is just that..My Friend!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Making Time Move
But who are we to decide that 1st January is the starting point and 31st December the end point of this perpetual cycle?
A circle has no beginning and no end and yet time always moves forward and not in circles.
This seemingly contradictory statement does reconcile into truth. The earth does move repetitively in a circle year in and year out; January through December and again January through December. Each human life also passes through many of these cycles. Fortunately nature has punctuated every life with the events of birth and death and for every human being the earth starts revolving the moment he is born and stops revolving upon his death.
But every life on this planet creates the difference between the January of the past year and the January of the coming year. It is through his actions; what he does; what he builds; what he creates and what he destroys that man makes time move forward and the last June different from the approaching June.
So, time does move forward despite being stuck in a circle!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
A journey..
I have no aim, yet I am not an aimless wanderer. My life is a journey. Destinations will not stop me; rather they will become a part of my journey. I will reach destination upon destination and I will fulfil aim upon aim and I will still go on.
One may question the worthiness of a life without an aim to achieve or a person without a destination to reach. But destinations are not the end all and be all of everything. All along the way we think of how wonderful it would be if we reach our destination; if we accomplish what we set out to do. But what happens after one reaches the destination? One feels happy, euphoric perhaps; one celebrates. These celebrations last for some finite amount of time, not eternity. After the celebrations are over one has to move on, maybe on a new journey or continue the old one to reach newer milestones. What one remembers later with happiness or sadness are not the wins or losses but the time spent and the things done on the way to the destination.
At the end of two years at SIMSR I will get what I came here for-a PG degree in management but what is more important to me are the things I learnt and the things I did; the friends I made and the people I met; the little failures and the little successes I had and the obstacles that I faced-the story behind the achievement. People will know that I have a PG degree in management but what they will not know is my journey of these two years-that will be my prized possession-sacred to me.
Every man or woman does something in life but the road they travel remains unique to them and that is why one should enjoy the roads they take, the paths they traverse. Destinations can be reached in many ways, if I fail once I can try again to reach it, but I can never tread the road I have left behind again, for that road is time solidified into memories through our actions.